Thursday, April 30, 2009

And the Pursuit of Happiness: May It Please the Court by Maira Kalman

I hope I'm not breaking any rules in posting this article from the NY Times for others to read. I love it and found it so fascinating I want to read it over and over again. Her illustrations along with the writings are fun and interesting. I hope some of you will enjoy it also.

OPINION April 23, 2009 And the Pursuit of Happiness: May It Please the Court By Maira Kalman After a visit to the Supreme Court, and the office of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Maira Kalman thinks about law, decision-making and women breaking barriers.

1. Op-Ed Contributor: End the University as We Know It 2. Personal Health: Paying a Price for Loving Red Meat 3. The Caucus: Specter Switches Parties 4. Verizon Said to Be in Talks for the iPhone 5. A Tiny Hominid With No Place on the Family Tree » Go to Complete List

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1 comment:

  1. Oops! I got behind reading your blog! That is a good article.

    I tagged you on my blog to make a list and put it on yours. Don't feel obligated to do it if you'd rather not. :-)
