Monday, February 16, 2009

Another Two-Movie Day

Joy, Paige, and I saw "Milk" and "Doubt" today. "Milk" was very good and Sean Penn's acting was fantastic. "Doubt" affected me strongly. My major aversion to the 50's may be why I find both "Doubt" and "Revolutionary Road" so depressing and frustrating. The story line, directing, acting, are fantastic in both movies. I hope to see "The Visitor" - "Vicky Christina Barcelona" - "The Wrestler" - "Frozen River" - "In Bruges" - and "Changeling" but, these will most likely be on DVD at home after the awards. Time is running out. It has been years since I've seen so many of the nominated movies before Oscar night and I'm very anxious to see who/what wins. It has been fun seeing the movies with Joy and Paige...they are a wealth of knowledge about the movie world as well as the stories and back grounds.


  1. I'll see those on DVD, too. I've been to Bruges briefly. We just had a stop there toward the end of our trip on the way to cross the ferry back to England. We'd run out of money almost and couldn't buy anything, so I didn't get any Belgian chocolate. :-)

  2. Oh my, Beglian chocolate makes my mouth water. I'm envious...but don't begruge, just wish I cold get to Europe sometime in the next 2-3 years and Belgium (because of ancestry) is at the top of my list. Hasn't your European travel been a wealth of experience and information for you?
